
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship 2025/2026 Online Application

For those interested in Canadian scholarships, you may want to apply for the Alexander Rutherford scholarship program 2025.


Alexander Rutherford Scholarship 2025/2026 Online Application

This scholarship program was established to honor Alexander Rutherford, Alberta’s first Premier and Minister of Education. Rutherford supported public education in Canada and was actively involved in community affairs.

The scholarship is known to recognize and reward the academic achievement of Canadian senior high school students with active involvement in community affairs. Funded by the Government of Alberta, this scholarship is offered to eligible undergraduates enrolled in a full course load in a designated college in the province.

In this article, we explained the eligibility criteria, how to apply online, the monetary value of the scholarship, etc.


Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Requirements 2025/2026

  • Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or someone who resides in Canada permanently. Applicants must have maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months.
  • Applicants must be an Alberta residents and to be considered an Alberta resident, the following conditions must apply:
    • One parent or legal guardian must have maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before the applicant commences a program of study;
    • The applicant has maintained permanent residence in Alberta at least 12 months before commencing a program of study;
    • The applicant is not eligible to receive a scholarship for any grade unless the applicant or the applicant’s parent(s)/legal guardian were a resident in Alberta throughout that grade.
  • Applicants must have finished high school before applying.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies or an apprenticeship program of at least one semester in length.
  • Ensure official high school transcript marks are available at the time of application.
  • You are expected to have a valid Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).
  • GED marks are not accepted.
  • Previous winners of this scholarship are not eligible to apply again.
  • Students without numeric grades should not apply for this scholarship.
  • Ensure you meet the course requirements before you commence your application.
  • You must have an Alberta Student Number (ASN).
  • The requirements for the high school transcript marks may vary.
  • Visa students are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • Open studies or unclassified program of study are eligible.

How to Apply

Submitting Your Application for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

Apply Online

All students must have a verified account to access the Alberta Student Aid system. For help creating your account, go to How to Apply and check out the step-by-step instructions and videos.

Always have access to your account information!

Student Aid recommends you use your personal email address, rather than your school email address, to create/verify your Alberta Student Aid account.

Providing Parent/Guardian Access to Your Secure Account

Your parent(s)/guardian may want to assist with aspects of your student aid/scholastic awards. To grant access to application information in your secure account, complete a Consent to Disclose form or assign a Power of Attorney. The forms are available in the Applications and Forms section.

Apply for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

Apply once your official high school transcript marks are available and when you are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Requirements for high school transcript marks will vary.

Step 1: Student Aid recommends you apply when:

  • You will attend full-time post-secondary studies between August 1, 2025 and July 31, 2024
  • Your official high school transcripts are available.
  • You have completed any high school upgrading credit courses you are taking – because you can only apply once, and you will want to submit your highest marks.
    Note: Your high school upgrading credit courses must appear on an official Alberta High School Transcript of Achievement.


  • You have completed high school on or after September 30, 1980.

Helpful Tip! High school transcript mark requirements will vary. See details below.

tep 2: Login to your Alberta Student Aid account and choose the Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship in the Apply section.

Information you need to complete your application

Personal Information

  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    Your SIN will be validated with the Government of Canada before your application is reviewed
  • Alberta Student Number (ASN)
    • Your ASN can be found on your Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement
    • If you do not have an ASN, you can request one:

School Information

  • The post-secondary school you are going to attend
  • Start date
  • High school you attended

Receiving Your Rutherford Scholarship

You will be notified in writing of the results of your assessment once Student Aid confirms your grades/marks on your final official high school transcript. If you are eligible, Student Aid will send a request to your post-secondary school, asking them to confirm your enrolment:

  • Apply before start of post-secondary studies
    A Confirmation of Enrolment request is sent to your school by the end of your first month of study.
  • Applyduring/after post-secondary studies
    A Confirmation of Enrolment request is sent to your school one month after your application is approved.

Once your school receives the request for Confirmation of Enrolment, they have 30 days to respond.

If the confirmation is not received within 30 days, Student Aid will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment form. You will take the form directly to your school for them to complete. The form sent to you must be completed and submitted to Student Aid within 30 days from the date you receive it.

Student Aid will mail a cheque to you approximately 1 month after your school confirms your enrolment.

However, if you have any Feeling regarding the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship 2025/2026Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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